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Coastal Waters

Ecological status groups and traits of coastal water marine benthic vegetation

Ecological Status Groups Coastal Waters

By studding morphological (external morphology, internal anatomy, texture), physiological (surface area/volume ratio, photosynthetic/non-photosynthetic ratio, photosynthetic performance, growth, light adaptation) and life history (longevity, succession) traits along with distributional data across eutrophication gradients two main groups of coastal water macroalgae were identified: the slow-growing, late-successional species (ESG I) and the fast-growing, opportunistic species (ESG II). Those groups were hierarchically divided into three and two sub-clusters, respectively:

  • ESG I comprises thick perennial (IA), thick plastic (IB) and shade-adapted plastic species (IC), and
  • ESG II comprises fleshy opportunistic (IIA) and filamentous sheet-like opportunistic (IIB) species.

Key functional traits and names of coastal water benthic macropthyte Ecological Status Groups

Key functional traits and names of coastal water benthic macropthyte Ecological Status Groups



















Species classification in Ecological Status Groups for Coastal Waters
No. Taxon ESG
1 Acetabularia IC
2 Acinetospora IIB
3 Acrochaetium IIB
4 Acrodiscus  IIA
5 Acrosorium  IIA
6 Acrothamnion IIB
7 Aglaothamnion IIB
8 Aglaozonia IB
9 Ahnfeltiopsis IIA
10 Alsidium IIA
11 Amphirhoa IC
12 Anadyomene IC
13 Anotrichium IIB
14 Antithamnion IIB
15 Antithamnionella IIB
16 Asparagopsis IIA
17 Asperococcus IB
18 Auduniella IIB
19 Bangia IIB
20 Blastophysa IIB
21 Blidingia IIB
22 Boergeseniella IIA
23 Botryocladia  IIA
24 Bryopsis IIB
25 Callithamnion IIB
26 Caulacanthus IIA
27 Caulerpa IIA
28 Centroceras IIB
29 Ceramimum IIB
30 Chaetomorpha IIB
31 Champia IIA
32 Chondracanthus IIA
33 Chondria IIA
34 Chondrophycus  IIA
35 Chondrophycus  IIA
36 Chondrus IA
37 Choreonema IC
38 Chroodactylon IIB
39 Chrysymenia IIA
40 Chylocladia IIA
41 Cladophora IIB
42 Cladostephus IIA
43 Codium IIB
44 Colpomenia IIA
45 Corallina IC
46 Corallophila IIB
47 Corynophlaea IIB
48 Cottoniella  IIB
49 Crouania IIB
50 Culteria IB
51 Cyanobacteria IIB
52 Cymodocea IB
53 Cystoseira IA
54 Cystoseira barbata IB
55 Cystoseira compressa IB
56 Dasya IIB
57 Dasycladus IIA
58 Derbesia IIB
59 Dermatolithon IC
60 Dictyopteris IIA
61 Dictyota IIA
62 Digenea  IB
63 Dilophus IIA
64 Dipterosiphonia IIB
65 Drachiella  IIA
66 Dudresnaya  IIB
67 Ectocarpus IIB
68 Entocladia IIB
69 Erythrocladia IIB
70 Erythroglossum IB
71 Erythropeltis IIB
72 Erythrotrichia IIB
73 Falkenbergia IIB
74 Feldmannia IIB
75 Flabellia IC
76 Fosliela IC
77 Ganonema  IC
78 Gastroclonium IIA
79 Gelidiella IIA
80 Gelidium IIA
81 Giffordia IIB
82 Gigartina IIA
83 Goniotrichum IIB
84 Gracilaria IIA
85 Gracilariopsis IIA
86 Grateloupia IIA
87 Griffithsia IIB
88 Gulsonia IIB
89 Halimeda IC
90 Haliptilon IC
91 Halodictyon IIB
92 Halopitys IB
93 Halopteris IIA
94 Halurus  IIB
95 Halymenia IIA
96 Herposiphonia IIB
97 Heterosiphonia IIB
98 Hincksia IIB
99 Hydroclathrus  IIA
100 Hydrolithon IC
101 Hypnea IIA
102 Hypoglossum IIA
103 Jania IC
104 Kallymenia IIA
105 Kuckuckia IIB
106 Kuetzingiella IIB
107 Laurencia IIA
108 Lejolisia IIB
109 Liagora  IC
110 Liebmannia  IIB
111 Lithophyllum IC
112 Lobophora IIA
113 Lomentaria IIA
114 Lophosiphonia IIB
115 Melobesia IC
116 Mesogloia IIA
117 Mesophyllum IC
118 Monosporus IIB
119 Monostroma IIB
120 Myriactula IIB
121 Myrionema IIB
122 Nanozostera IB
123 Nemastoma  IIA
124 Neosiphonia IIB
125 Neurocaulon IIA
126 Nitophyllum IIA
127 Osmundaria IIA
128 Osmundea IIA
129 Padina IB
130 Pedobesia IIB
131 Penicillus  IIB
132 Petalonia IIB
133 Peyssonnelia IC
134 Phaeophila IIB
135 Phyllophora IIA
136 Pleonosporium  IIB
137 Plocamium IB
138 Pneophyllum IC
139 Polysiphonia IIB
140 Porphyra IIB
141 Porphyrostromium  IIB
142 Posidonia IA
143 Pringsheimiella IIB
144 Pseudobryopsis IIB
145 Pseudochlorodesmis IIB
146 Pseudocrouania IIB
147 Pterocladia IIA
148 Pterocladiella IIA
149 Pterosiphonia IIB
150 Pterothamnion IIB
151 Radicilingua IIA
152 Ralfsia IC
153 Rhizoclonium IIB
154 Rhodophyllis IB
155 Rhodothamnionella  IIB
156 Rhodymenia IIA
157 Ruppia IB
158 Rytiphlaea IB
159 Sahlingia  IIB
160 Sarconema  IIA
161 Sargassum IB
162 Schizymenia IIA
163 Schottera IIA
164 Scinaia IIA
165 Scytosiphon IIB
166 Spermothanmion IIB
167 Sphacelaria IIA
168 Sphaerotrichia IIB
169 Sphondylothamnion IIB
170 Spongites IC
171 Spyridia IIB
172 Stictyosiphon IIB
173 Stilophora IIB
174 Stylonema IIB
175 Stypocaulon IIA
176 Taenioma  IIB
177 Taonia IB
178 Titanoderma IC
179 Tricleocarpa  IC
180 Ulotrix IIB
181 Ulva IIB
182 Ulvella IIB
183 Valonia IIB
184 Vaucheria IIB
185 Womersleyella IIB
186 Wrangelia IIB
187 Zanardinia IIA
188 Zonaria IIA
189 Zostera IB