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Transitional Waters

Ecological status groups and traits for transitional water marine benthic vegetation

Ecological Status Groups Coastal Waters

By studding morphological (external morphology, internal anatomy, texture), physiological (surface area/volume ratio, photosynthetic/non-photosynthetic ratio, photosynthetic performance, growth, light adaptation) and life history (longevity, succession) traits along with distributional data across eutrophication gradients two main groups of transitional water benthic macrophytes were identified: the slow-growing, late-successional species (ESG I) and the fast-growing, opportunistic species (ESG II). Both groups were hierarchically divided into three sub-clusters:

  • ESG I comprises thick perennial (IA), thick plastic (IB) and shade-adapted plastic species (IC), and
  • ESG II comprises fleshy opportunistic (IIA) and filamentous sheet-like opportunistic (IIB) species and species of fresh water affinity (IIC, e.g. Potamogeton sp.).

Key functional traits and names of transitional water benthic macropthyte Ecological Status Groups

Key functional traits and names of coastal water benthic macropthyte Ecological Status Groups



















Species classification in Ecological Status Groups for Transitional Waters
No. Taxon ESG
1 Acanthophora IIA
2 Acetabularia IC
3 Acrothamnion IIB
4 Agardhiella IIA
5 Alsidium IIA
6 Anotrichium IIB
7 Antithamnion IIB
8 Bangia IIB
9 Blidingia IIB
10 Boergeseniella IIA
11 Callithamnion IIB
12 Ceramium IIB
13 Chaetomorpha IIB
14 Chondria IIA
15 Chondrophycus IIA
16 Cladophora IIB
17 Cyanobacteria IIB
18 Cymodocea IA
19 Cystoseira  IB
20 Dasya IIB
21 Dichtyota IIA
22 Entocladia IIB
23 Erythropeltis IIB
24 Erythrotrichia IIB
25 Fucus IB
26 Gastroclonium IIA
27 Gracilaria IIA
28 Gracilariopsis IIA
29 Griffitsia IIB
30 Halopitys IIA
31 Herposiphonia IIB
32 Hincksia IIB
33 Hydrolithon IC
34 Hypnea IIA
35 Lamprothamnion IB
36 Laurencia IIA
37 Lithophyllum IC
38 Lophosiphonia IIB
39 Monostroma IIB
40 Nanozostera IA
41 Nitophyllum IIA
42 Phaeophyla IIB
43 Pneophyllum IC
44 Polysiphonia IIB
45 Porphyra IIB
46 Pterothamnion IIB
47 Rhizoclonium IIB
48 Ruppia IA
49 Rytiphlea IB
50 Rhodophylis IIA
51 Sargassum IB
52 Solieria IIA
53 Sphacelaria IIA
54 Spyridia IIA
55 Stylonema IIB
56 Ulotrix IIB
57 Ulva IIB
58 Ulvella IIB
59 Undaria IB
60 Valonia IIB
61 Vaucheria IIB
62 Zostera IA